Szanowne Koleżanki i Koledzy !
W ramach współpracy pomiędzy stowarzyszeniami MBA Polska, zapraszamy warsztaty online organizowane przez Stowarzyszenie Absolwentów MBA INE PAN z Warszawy:
Ukraine: Export Booster initiative. Sourcing and trade opportunities for Polish companies
Tym razem zapraszamy na Czwartkowe Warsztaty Praktyków Biznesu online. Temat to najnowsza inicjatywa Ukrainy skierowana do polskich przedsiębiorstw: Export Booster. Szczegóły poniżej! Spotkanie w jęz. angielskim.
26 October 2023, 17:30-19:00 (Warsaw time)
Format: online (Teams)
Export Booster is a new initiative of the Ukrainian government for Polish business. We will have a great opportunity to meet Ukrainian companies interesting in cooperation at The ReBuild Ukraine conference (Warsaw, 14-15 November).
However, we have a unique possibility to learn more about this initiative and related opportunities in advance, at an exclusive online event organized by SA MBA INE PAN.
You will get access to key information ahead of others, what may also include
a fast-track business match-making with the companies / sectors you may be interested in.
Short presentation of the Export Booster initiative (Serhii Maidanevych, Project Manager, Export Booster)
Keynote presentations:
Olena Poperechna, Account Manager (Food industry), followed by pitches from the food processing/packaging sector: 4-5 different verified companies each with one slide, Q&A.
Andriy Kishchynskyy Account manager (Machinery) followed by pitches from the machine building sector: 4-5 different verified companies each with one slide, Q&A.
Wrap up: Victor Halych (Country Manager for Poland, Export Booster), conclusions, discussion.
Bohdan Senchuk (Global Account, Export Booster)
Mariusz Kowalski (Deputy Chair, MBA Alumni Association, INE PAN).
Dołącz do nas 26 października 2023 o 17:30!
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